Peopleclick Solutions. Including information on Affirmative Action products and services, enterprise and desktop software, compliance, risk management, OFCCP distribution and analysis, web-based report distribution, outsourcing services, and the Peopleclick Research Institute.

Affirmative Action Software

Whether you choose to run software and manage plans internally or outsource plan preparation to our experts, Peopleclick simplifies affirmative action planning and analysis. The outcome is guaranteed technical compliance with a lower total cost.
Select from the following topics to learn more about Peopleclick Affirmative Action software and services.

For enterprise level, simultaneous AAP development, adverse impact monitoring and plan progress, management rollup reporting and a host of other features designed to give you a complete and accurate picture of your entire organization, read about Peopleclick CAAMS®.

For desktop software designed to manage decentralized affirmative action plan creation, read about Peopleclick AAPlanner®.

For smaller organizations that need to collect summary data and analyze hiring, promotion and termination practices, and to calculate for the purpose of an Impact Ratio Analysis (IRA), read about Peopleclick Monitor™.

For software designed to help you analyze compensation data and identify potential problem areas in your company’s compensation practices, read about Peopleclick PayStat®.